i am a type 2 diabetic who weighs 520lbs. i've made the decision to start a keto diet. how do i best go about starting?

It seems daunting, I know. When I began keto a few weeks ago, it was hard for me to undo the damage that was done to me by the Western way of looking at dieting. I went shopping with my husband and I kept telling him how this went against everything I thought I knew. I still have those feelings sometimes. It is beat into our heads that we have to go low fat and that carbs are our friends. They're not. Until I got on this diet, I was struggling with over a decade of eating disorders behind me and I can say with absolute confidence that those days are behind me. I am not saying this is a cure, but something about keto has helped me in ways that I never thought a "diet" (which is really a lifestyle adjustment) ever could. I would say that one of the most important things you can do for yourself right now is read as much as you can and reprogram your mind. Don't listen to that voice in your head when you buy butter, cheese and red meat that tells you these things are bad. They are your tools to a healthier life and a new you.

It seems restrictive, but it's not. The further you go down the rabbit hole, the more you'll see that you have access to everything you'll want and need. As time carries on, those cravings for carbs will die off and your tastes and cravings will change. I would highly suggest using MyFitnessPal to track.

The newbie thread is so great. I made the mistake of not reading it initially and went I went into the "keto flu" I started getting dizzy and feeling sick. I was dehydrated and missing electrolytes. On the recommendation of a member here, I purchased something called Morton Lite Salt, which is a combination of salt and potassium. I would recommend it to anyone. I have never been a fan of salt, but you're going to need it now more than ever. Water will also become your best friend.

I found this blog not so long ago and, while it is new, it is a woman's journey through low carb and then no carb. I found her posts really helpful. There's also some great recipes over at /r/ketorecipes.

It takes roughly ~6 weeks for your body and mind to take to a habit. Stay with it, give yourself a chance to adjust wholly and completely. It can work and, as with all things, the results will be a reflection of the effort you put into it. You can do this.

/r/keto Thread