Amazon hired an army of employees to say nice things about it on Twitter, and it shows how big its reputation problem has gotten

I just had to go read again about this, because like you I was asking what am I missing that these guys are so outraged over. Like what Ronald Mcdonald himself rolled up to the little old lady while driving a lambo and through a hot coffee in her face disfiguring her for face beyond recognition. Nope, it happened like everyone said happened. Woman, not realizing coffee is hot and not able to wait to get where she is going before taking off the lid and putting in milk and sugar, decided to put it between her thighs to and open the lid. She proceeds to spill freshly brewed coffee all over herself. Now, sure McDonald's is a big corporation, and can pay a medical bill, but they literally get, "your fork poked out my eye lawsuits" everyday. And this woman burned herself with coffee through no negligence but her own. So now all of us when we order coffee get reminded, "this is hot." As stupid as most people are, I guess that's a good thing.

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