AMD vs Nvidia sales numbers (one outlet)

This thread dearly needs some grounding. Lets compare other cards on their website.

Here are some sales from their Nvidia's and AMD's last generation of cards: Count % market share 380-380x 11,370 12% 390-390x 2,140 2% fury 675 1% Total 14,185 15%

1060 4,285 5% 970 64,235 68% 980 - 980 TI 11,895 13% Total 80,415 85%

(there are some other cards on there, but their quantity is not significant. This only includes cards that are still listed on their website. it is possible they have pulled cards that were perhaps top sellers that are not listed anymore.)

Here are the results in the OP with market share:

480-470 3,560 14% Total Market Share 3,560 14%

1060 4,265 17% 1070 11,230 45% 1080 5,830 23% Total Market Share 11,218 86%

Comparing these results . . . Any kind of moderate or in depth analysis of these figures shows that the data is inconsistent and should not be relied upon too heavily as I'd imagine the data is incomplete. But the take away from this is that AMDs 480 sales (from this website) are very well within the margin of error (which is VERY large) that AMD is likely maintaining market share from last generation to this generation. Likely have a lot of upside to take market share when the 490 or vega come out as they have no presence. But their last gen cards sold so little . . . perhaps it doesnt matter?

Anyways, the results are sketchy. Would not trust.

/r/Amd Thread