American society is cray

I don't like how some radical feminists deny that men and women are different. I'm a woman, and I am different than I man. I don't want to be a man. I don't particularly care about a career. I don't want to sleep around. I don't want to act like motherhood or choosing family is a "lesser" patriarchal choice.

Some feminists literally get inflamed if you just say men and women have distinct biological differences.

Also, no disrespect at all to any trans people, but I don't believe that gender is a totally social construct. It is tied to biology. And I think everyone should express themselves however they wish to, seriously. but biological sex is still a relevant scientific truth.

You can't even say that without enraging a ton of people. And I find it really bewildering to be honest.

These are my main issues with that particular topic

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