Estp and Infp relationship - could it work long term?

Honestly I used to think the same, but it simply doesn't work like that. Zodiac, MBTI, etc. They help give you an idea about the other person but its not seeing the future. The bottom line is love takes work and if you both work hard at it, then it usually works out for a lot of people. If you both build eachother up, strengthen weak points, compromise etc. Its really just both people willing to make something work because of how much they love eachother. So maybe it does and maybe it doesn't. But as long as you love them and you put in the time and effort for that, I believe that if both people love eachother that much, to where they're both commited to the work of that, then generally it will work out. The only thing you can do is try your best, love them, have fun, and see where it goes. Dont get too caught up in your head or in what something online says. If both people want the same thing out of a relationship, and love eachother the same, then I believe it generally works out. :)

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