Americans of Reddit: What is High School REALLY like? [SERIOUS]

I went to highschool in two different states and they were both very different. In Florida, my highschool had 4 main buildings and dorms. It was kinda like a mini college. At lunch most people would go home, out to somewhere like McDonalds for like 30 minutes and come back to school. It was chill and pretty laid back. No real cliques or anything like that. No goths, Jocks, Nerds, Preps or groups really. Also there was 10 min between each class so people would go outside and lay in the grass or go play kickball(yes we still played kickball in highschool) outside between class. Also they recently passed a law that teachers had no jurisdiction of what students did at home so that meant no homework either. Those were the best 3 years of my student life. I moved to Gerogia for senior year and this school was very different. It was small as hell. It was only one building and didn't even have an upstairs part. Instead it was super long. Like you could look down the hallways and see someone like 400 feet away. It would take like 6 min just to walk from one end to the other. Also there was a school shooting(i think somewhere in Georgia too) toward the end of the year and even though my school had nothing to do with it they beefed up security like crazy. They had metal detectors that would set off from the smallest shit. I remember this cop got all aggressive with me over my damn house key triggering to alarm. Also ALL the doors were locked at all times. If you came from outside you have to press a button, look into the camera and state your business and who you are, and then wait for someone in the office to buzz you in. And I swear they must have had those doors pressure sealed and airtight because you could here air rush in when they opened like you just opened a refrigerator. I'm glad I was only there one year because that shit was too much. Florida Highschools > Georgia Highschool.

/r/AskReddit Thread