Americans of Reddit, what's something that America gets shit for that is actually completely reasonable in context?

I can say what I want, I can worship how I want, I can think how I want...

I get paid sick leave, maternity leave, scheduled paid time off.

I get free healthcare. I get cheap, subsidised medications. I never pay for doctor's appointments. I have access to strong welfare systems.

Gun crime is rare in my country. Police shootings are rare.

I cannot be fired for being gay, for worshipping the devil, or no gods. Americans can say what they want, worship how they want, think how they want.

Americans get paid less than minimum wage because tips will make up the rest, or they should, but they sometimes don't and if you complain they will fire you, because many states have 'at-will' employment which is another way of saying 'the powerful are free to fuck you'.

Americans have a healthcare system that can bankrupt a person for a broken arm, medical bankruptcy is the most common reason for bankruptcy, doctors are expensive for minor complaints so citizens don't go to doctors, all of which seems inhumane but that's just capitalism baby, doctors are free to charge you what they like. So again, the powerful are free to fuck you.

Americans like to say they're free, but that freedom generally means the freedom to be bought and sold, the freedom of the powerful to use and exploit the weak. The average American is less free than the average citizen of almost any other Western country due to the shackles imposed on American society and thinking by 'freedom'. Thus Americans are free to live in a country with insane levels of gun crime. Americans are free to be fired for whatever. Americans are free to go into life-debt because of the sniffles.

American freedom is a principle. It doesn't exist in reality. Effectively the American concept of freedom is a heavy weight holding their society prisoner.

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