Americans who left the usa for political/cultural reasons: what was the final straw? What moment made you go " okay I want/need to leave"?

I will give you an alternative view. In my friend group, we don't see any of these things. I am not sayingt hey dont exist. But it isnt as prevalent as it seems. More people just post about the bad side of working in the US online.

I am a US citizen, and been at the same job for 16 years. I work for a coorporation that consists of 5 companies. I have healthcare, I love my co-workers. I only work 40 hours a week. I have 4 weeks a year vacation and 1 week sick time. My boss is fine if I work at home on days that I am not feeling well so that I don't spread it to the rest of the company.

I understand that I am fortunate, and that there are bad jobs here. But that is just like any other country. The issue that we have here in the US is unbridled greed. If we adopted a few of the policies that places like the Netherlands have adopted, we would be sitting really well. We just need to get the 1% at the top in check, and start fixing things like healthcare.

BTW, speaking of universal healthcare. Have you noticed that the republicans wither away at the site of anything socialist. But they are sure as hell supporting a stimulus in the US due to the virus. If that isn't just straight socialism, I don't know what is.

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