Americans who willfully refuse to vote - can you explain why?

This presidential election, I refused to vote given our two choices -- H. Clinton or D. Trump. Neither convinced me they had America's best interests in mind, that they were not a career politician representing the corporations over the American people or that they weren't in it for the notch on their belt of achievements, and one seemed to have a few more screws loose than the other. I'm not convinced our votes count any more. Things that are illegal and shouldn't be happening are happening, like dead people voting (something people are unwilling to make changes toward). I'm not convinced, anymore, that either party is above corruption or that they represent the voice of the people over money. I've never voted for a senator nor congressman, mayor nor governor.

People watch biased news sources and think they have everything figured out, us vs them, Democrats vs Republicans, this is the only way it has to be, apparently, and anyone dissenting voice from any other party is "batshit crazy", they're always "batshit crazy". The alternative to Clinton was someone from the Green Party. Her policies and ideologies weren't even that bad compared to the other two, yet all I saw during the election process is how "batshit crazy" she was.

Besides, I wanted Sanders to go against Trump. The Democratic Party let me down and I refused to vote. Fuck it, let Trump win.

/r/AskAnAmerican Thread