An article from the perspective of those who've been cheated on.

Well, as long as you're happy . . . It's "than." Not "then I have ever been."
Also, you might want to reconsider making life decisions based on movies like 50 Shades and Bridges of Madison County. They're fictional. The stories, the characters, the conversations, the beginnings, the endings. All fictional. Both were written to tap into fantasies women have in order to sell books. It's no different than a man watching a threesome with two bimbos in a porno and going on the hunt for that experience. Even if you find it, the high is short-lived. It feels good. But it doesn't give you any kind of long-term happiness.

I admit that I've been a serial cheater. But I'd never blame my SO for my decisions. And I hate the part of me that cheats. I want so bad to control it. But in the end, only I am responsible for my actions. It is not my wife's fault that I cheat even if we are sexually incompatiable. There are countless other decisions I could make in resonse to our situation that don't involve me fucking other women. Thus far, I've taken the easy way out and fucked a bunch of othe women. But at least I did so after countless discussions and counseling (still isn't an excuse). And I certainly don't brag about it. People on this sub talk a lot about being masters of their own destinies and "taking control" of their lives. But rather than take ownership of their ACTIONS, they turn around and conveniently blame someone else for them -- in essence giving the power to the person they're cheating on (he or she caused me to do it). You're right. I don't know your relationship dynamic. But I know we all deserve at least a chance to meet our SO's needs. Nothing you've said so far makes me think you gave him that chance.

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