CMV: The best way to avoid the AI apocalypse is to not eat meat.

Okay, so lets say it does do that. Its more likely than not it would treat us in similar ways to say dolphins, or dogs.

I wouldn't say our treatment of the average dolphin or dog is very good either. We've decimated dolphin populations through negligence and the chances that we'll breed a puppy and then put it down (or leave it to die from negligence) is incredibly high.

If it really were singularity level smarter than us, why would it care at all?

This is an argument against worrying against the singularity at all. If that's true, then nothing we do matters either way.

And how much do you care that the bear eats the salmon?

Ther difference between a bear eating a salmon and modern factory farming is a pretty big divide.

No its not a concrete step

How is it not? It's a clear choice with observable outcomes. I'm not saying it's definitely going to work, but that doesn't mean that the actual steps are ill defined.

And lets say the scenarios are different

I acknowledged that above, it's not a perfect fool proof solution. But there are situations where it could've been a very useful step to take, and given the stakes, it's something worth considering. And what's the worst case scenario? We start treating other animals with respect for no reason?

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