So how is this game?

If I were to be honest man, I think you should wait from buying it if you plan on playing with friends for the majority of the time of you playing it. Because having to restart the game after every game just to change your classes, open supply drops, etc, it gets really annoying and may ruin your expierence. So probably just wait if thats the case

Unless you plan on playing solo like I do mostly, then I would buy it.I havn't had issues with it besides the occasional lag here and there. With the maps, I cant say which ones you will like and dislike. You will hear a lot of hate for USS Texas and Gustav Cannon and a few other which is understandable. I would just ignore that and have an open mind for a bit when you play. You may actually like them. Now for the weapons, there a few that are definitely the better ones. The BAR and the STG are probably the best weapons in the game. Obviously that is something that's bound to happen in any game, but that doesn't mean you can use other weapons. As of now, the SMGs are alright. All of them are useable and may even come down to personal preference.A little buff to them would be nice. For the ARs, I would try the semi autos to see if you like them, I personally feel like they need a buff since they tend to be out gunned by a lot of the guns. So probably just use the full autos. Unless you play hardcore, that is is where they shine. The same goes with shotguns (the Combat Shotgun is the best for core). LMGs are good too, but why use them over the ARs since they only have 50ish bullets in them and take longer to reload. Lastly for the sniper rifles, you can go wrong with any of them honestly. The Karabin is your semi auto 2 shot sniper which is actually pretty good. The bolt action rifles all come down to preference. The Lee Enfield is your standard sniper with aim assist, the Springfield is also a bit slow but its almost guaranteed a one shot with no aim assist, and the Kar98 is fast and has a nice one shot potential but the reload takes a while (not sure if it has aim assist). So when it comes to weapons I can use any of them really without being at a huge disadvantage but some weapons a buff would be nice.

I tried to write this as quickly as I could but I hope I was able to help with the multiplayer at least. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I am available almost all the time.

/r/WWII Thread