As an Asian American woman, what can I do to help Asian men, especially my friends and family?

(I'm also an Asian-American girl with similar objectives so I'm really happy to see this thread (: )

I think one thing that's seemed helpful is calling out instances of stereotyping when you see it. I would hang out with a primarily AA group during the school year and one of the girls who exclusively dates white guys would say all this horrible stuff in front of the guys in our group, like talking about how Asian guys are so unfeminist, hypermasculine, whatever. It was always fun to be like "what, my boyfriend/brother/grandpa (or whoever) is actually a huge supporter of me going into math/doing feminist activism" lol. Same with romantic/sexual stereotypes; depending on how your boyfriend responds to public affection, a lot of people feel more attractive or morale-boosted when engaged in PDA. I feel like a lot of our guys might feel unseen and unappreciated so recognition is always a good thing in my opinion. Definitely open to advice from people though; this is always something I want to improve upon!

/r/aznidentity Thread