I Analyzed New Zealand Politician's Tweets

Personally I never realised Twitter was a medium that should be solely dedicated to policy

If you are a politician and leader of the opposition then it should be at least partially dedicated to policy. Did you note that every other party leader dedicated at least some time to policy and Labour was a legitimate exception to this?

every party is "Left" of the Democrats and even Bernie Sanders.

Bullshit. On some social issues (gay marriage, for example) our parties tend to be more left than American parties. But on economic issues they certainly aren't to the left of Bernie, who at least legitimately advocates for some social-democratic positions. Labour have no commitment to reform, or economic policies based on social equality, which are generally the markers of the left. Labour revoked free tertiary education, Laboue and National have both sold our assets when it suited them. Do you not think it is a problem that our two key parties are virtually indistinguishable when it comes to economic policy?

lets just behave like the "Left" are communists in this country

I didn't say that at all. Our left is the Greens. Plain and simple. Our elections are between two right wing parties, who have no meaningfully different economic policies, and argue over public opinion on other issues as they arise.

"Right" are hard conservative neo-lib facists

Labour and National are mixed-market neo-liberals. I don't know why you see it as a problem to call things what they are, other than it breaks down the illusion that New Zealand elections are in any way shape or form meaningful.

even though the New Zealand parties all agree on the vast majority of things.

And you don't think this is a problem in a democracy? That our elections are between groups of people who all agree with each other? I mean, I don't expect an anarchist party to suddenly appear, but we should at least have some debate over what sort of capitalism works best for us, instead of petty power squabbles between a bunch of people who are the same.

/r/newzealand Thread Parent Link - mindingdata.com