Anncy twinkle is deleting comment right left and centre.

I am not surprised that she blacklisted the words Tamil, Tamil Nadu and Indian. She never ever wanted to associated with her Tamil culture. I remember when the whole BLM was going on, she made a video and said that she was going to donate the proceeds to a BLM supporting charity. IDK if she is too tone def but we all know especially if you are tamil that during the same BLM protest something even more huge happened here regarding police brutality x10 more disturbing than the BLM and no one cared about it (the father-son duo if you remember). Idk if she is that detached from her roots or she just wanted to please her American audience. Either way, she def doesn't deserve us desi subs. I unsubbed her and not going to be okay with the apology video if she ever creates one.

/r/InstaCelebsGossip Thread