Who is she talking about?

Unpopular opinion and I may be wayyyy out of line and incorrect but I’m gonna say it regardless. Not everyone is obligated to cater to people of all body types. Brands and designers can design for whoever they please and we must take it with a pinch of salt that some stores will never sell clothes for us. Period. Until and unless the brand says or does something fatphobic, let them decide their audience? I wouldn’t get mad at Torrid for not designing a dress that I liked only in plus sizes and not in XS? Ffs all Zara clothes are oversized now and I can’t wear anything off the shelf without tapering the length or taking the shoulders up but I don’t crib about it? I just don’t go to that store anymore. Sorry for the long rant but FA movement has become so toxic now.

/r/InstaCelebsGossip Thread Link - i.redd.it