Announcement on the Recent Moderation Team Decisions That Led to Both u/RedChessQueen and u/Rensole Stepping Down

It’s all well and good you calling out u/rensole and u/redchessqueen99 for what you believe to be best for this subreddit’s community. But to me, it seems like sour grapes towards them gaining ‘minor celebrity’ like status among this community.

Believe me, I think it’s a slippery slope when people get held in high acclaim, but it’s not through faults of their own.

What is wrong, is you painting this as being done for the good of the community. When in fact it’s been done for the good of you remaining mods. You only need to read the disdain towards Rezi’s condescending comments and your own emotional replies to people in this sub to realise what actions should be taken for the good of the community and to address their concerns.

If you are genuinely intent on getting this sub back to what it was just a matter of three weeks ago, actually listen and take onboard what so many have said in numerous posts and comments these past 5 hours.

/r/GME Thread Parent