ANOTHER Trump supporter attacked today by Berkley students. DON'T LET THEM BURY THIS

You are an right. Women just don't belong in law enforcement. They just don't have the physical strength to handle it. I mean no offense to women. They have so many other strengths, but physical and mental strength strengths just aren't a part of that.

A woman just can't compete with men that way. It's basic biology. Men are designed for physical strength. Men are designed to have more muscle mass (they are predisposed to be stronger than women at a genetic level.)

Plus, women are more emotional than men. Emotions have their place, but law enforcement isn't one of them.

The last thing the public needs is a woman who can't handle her job physically and then start crying about it while there are real issues that need to be addressed. Or worse yet, start getting emotional because she can't handle the reality of a child being abused while that's just a part of the job. Sure many men will be upset about it, but a man will be able to keep his cool while collecting facts. A woman won't. It hurts the victims and the investigation. And given that's women are most likely to be victims of domestic violence, this is especially important.

If only we could keep woman working desk jobs. There is no shame in that. It's simply about each person providing their strengths. Both men and women can work in law enforcement, just in different roles that are both important.

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