To the assholes who flamed a kid with a speech impediment in team chat today:

This is literally why I now play competitive with voice chat muted and text disabled. My wife started to get annoyed with me constantly telling assholes to shut the fuck up.

A normal match consists of:

Game starts, everyone is chill. If someone chooses Symmetra, flaming begins immediately. If not, go to next step.

Round is won. Everyone is peachy. Or, round is lost, pick bronze DPS and flame them.

At this point I sit there listening to people argue like absolute fuckwits for about 30 seconds, then my temper kicks in and I begin to yell at the offenders to shut their mouths.

At about this point, my wife walks in and says something like, "Really?" I then stop. One day in particular she walked in and commented that she's glad I'm having so much fun in this "game" I'm playing.

That made me realize how much stress (being angry all the time is bad for your health) this game causes me, even though I really enjoy it. I honestly can't stand the community though, so from then on I've just disabled voice chat and text. It doesn't really affect much, either. You end up paying more attention to voice queues from the heroes, so ult-stacking is still very possible, and you're not angry, so you're playing better because of that.

I actually went from a plateau of ~2300 (solo queue) to ~3100 in about a week after doing this.

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