Any of you know a compulsive liar? What is the most ridiculous thing they ever told you?

We used to be best friend, nowadays we occasionally talk. He had a very...interesting way of lying. I'll tell you that.

In the beginning he told that he was a DJ and actually made some money off of it. I believed it because his music was legit and to be honest pretty good. Mind that at the time he was 13. But the following claims are pure bullshit:

-He claimed that he was 2 years older. He was lucky because he legitly looked like 15. -He claimed that he's world famous, he played from Australia, Germany and of course his previous small school. -that he's rich. He played it like that being DJ earned him some serious money, also his job as car mechanic (at 13 duh) paid really well. Because let's face it: all car mechanics are rich, even more at the age of 13. But it went way worse. He also had a uncle in Germany. Said uncly gave him a piece of land with, I kid you not, oil. At this point he claimed to have a million or so. But what did this 13 year old kid? He bougt stocks. He bought 11% of Philips in stocks. Around a week later he told me he sold al of his stocks and that his capital is now 10 million. -At the age of 13 he has multiple cars. bugatti's en yellow Lamborghini, you name it. And, also, well, he kind of went to Germany and rode in one of his cars...because 13 year olds have driver licences, right? -Claimed that he was addicted to Rolex Watches. I mean sure, I totally believe that. But he legitly bought multiple, for an sommed amount of half a million. -Also he claimed that his cars ride on his one oil. Because building a favtory that refines the oil so cars can use it, going to Germany, and then filling the car with said oil is so much easier than just pumping it from you own town, right.

/r/AskReddit Thread