Any guys here with shirtless selfies in their profile? What kind of success do you get?

I had a shirtless photo up for a while, it went okay. I wasn't fucking pussy footing around either - none of this beach day action shot nonsense, where I'm like diving into the sand during a ~casual game of beach volleyball greedily pushing that I have friends like a human being while also having my hands clamped together so the complete M of my triceps are bulging against my reddish tanned skin (the sepia filter half-cranked so the memory has the sharp definition of a movie flashback etc etc).

I took this selfie as yoked as possible, in the mirror of my ymca directly under the over head light with the camera right in front of my face. P much artless and dehumanizing as I could make it, my post workout skin a splotchy red and white with the dark tufts of hair poking through so my torso looked like the wake of a shot deer raking itself over a thin winter snow. You know, real true to the art form, pure value proposition type deal.

Anyway I don't think it mattered at all. No noticeable increase or decrease in activity, a few people mentioned it to me on dates in those artificial intimacies after you've broken the ice or whatever where you're "putting in on the table". Things like

I almost didn't go out with you blah blah blah shirtless photos

but they did so I'm not sure what the lesson was supposed to be. I liked having it up, it made me laugh/fed my ego idk

/r/OkCupid Thread