any of you having children/a child ?

humans have kids because they need to, emotionally.

yup, emotionally, financially, and... accidentally...

i'm living here so i think i should ask indonesian perspectives.

you ask this question this sub which mostly consist of WEIRD population (Westernized, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic) who represent only very small part of Indonesian culture.

But at least, for me, as a gay, i don't really know if i want to have child. Mau punya anak, ga ngebet2 banget rasanya. Tapi kalau ga punya anak, nanti tua siapa yang ngurus? Well, kalau pun punya anak sama siapa? Maybe i will be like the majority of gay in indonesia who end up marry a woman and have inter-orientation marriage. or probably i can choose to stay unmarried and stop giving a fuck what other people say (kapan nikah? kapan punya anak? eh jeng dengernya2 si dev_advocate seneng lakik ya?).

In other words, i don't know and i don't even bother thinking about it as it's just down there on the bottom of my priority list. I only care doing what i can do, just try to be financially independent

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