Gay people of Reddit, when did you realize your were gay?

I started crushing on girls when I was very young. I was raised in a conservative family so I knew nothing about homosexuality. No influences, no upbringings, or anything. It just came to me naturally.

It was like puppy love — wanting to be around certain pretty girls and fantasizing about us hanging out, playing dress up as a couple, etc. I also had the biggest crush on Britney Spears and her sister.

I had no idea it was considered "abnormal" until I held my female friend's hand one day and my parent told me to stop because it was inappropriate. (Jesus it was elementary and everyone held hands?) I began to ask questions and they said that I should only show affection to boys. After fourth grade, I was boy crazy and became obsessed with hetero couples on tv. It was probably because I wished to be super straight.

I had a lot of boyfriends throughout high school and I enjoyed their company, but for everything else, it was fucking dull.

until college, in my early 20's... I became independent and open-minded. I realized I liked a few guys but mostly girls. Then I found out about my older relatives who were also secretly gay.

I'm a living example that homosexuality is not always caused by gay exposure. I was already wired this way.... Sorry fam.

/r/AskReddit Thread