Have any of you read My Universe?

exactly what I was thinking! i totally thought that Hyeonsu agreed to let Ujun take over his body or something like that. just anything at all that would connect him back to Hayeon because otherwise why would they spend so much time talking about his interest in the universe and his domestic abuse. i liked that the conclusion was unpredictable but there were so many different subplots that, in the end, were never addressed- which really disappointed me. the aftermath was too easy of an ending as well. did Hyeonsu just casually return to his abusive home after his (Ujuns) violent outbursts? how did Hayeon explain the situation to him or to anyone at all? how was his relationship with others after the event considering the fact he (Ujun) not only threatened someone (Juhui) but physically hurt someone as well (Stalker). what were the others even doing while Hayeon and Ujun were in hiding and how did no one at all find them especially when Jinsung was so threatening… the plot armour was ridiculous. if that was the route they chose they couldve at least made the ending more meaningful but instead the getaway was used to give readers a kiss. which i couldnt even be hyped up for because of how rushed the last few chapters were.

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