is anybody even playing this anymore? not able to get through matchmaking? no one types in chat?

Uninstalled it because I couldn't deal with how poorly it ran - also as a fan of classic quake the game didn't deliver for me. I'm actually having a lot more fun playing DOOM than I am quake champions. Doom is obviously less demanding in terms of skill especially since it doesn't allow any type of movement (if there's a rune for it I haven't unlocked it yet) but it runs way better and I just have more fun overall with the game types. I haven't even tried openGL mode yet but with my nvidia card vulkan is running the game on ultra at like 160-200 fps with fov set to 110.. QC on lowest settings literally ran like a pile of shit and FPS is one of the most important things for me in a game. If counter-strike ran as poorly as QC did I wouldn't even touch it. I don't know what kind of rig you need for 120fps in QC but apparently my top of the line rig didn't cut it. Also fun fact out of all the betas I've ever played - rarely did any of them improve framerate post beta. The only game that truly made serious strides was Natural Selection 2 and that game runs way better than it did when it launched.

/r/QuakeChampions Thread