Anybody using the Hotas X?

You and about everyone else man. I'm kinda disappointed that there isn't a default profile in the game to be honest. It's a popular low end hotas and lots of people own it and I feel if they have profiles for gamepads then we deserve to have a profile.

I purchased about a week ago and since then I've spent many hours trying to set up this hotas, and about 3 minutes playing the game. Since the tutorial is broken and the game has so many settings (including semi redundant ones) It's very very confusing and difficult to get a good idea which have the highest priority. Alot of people have resorted to using custom tools that remap keyboard functions(such as joytokey) which gives us the ability to also create modifier keys (eg. Elite Dangerous style) which expands our available key bindings by almost double. But they are not fun to set up because you have to already have a good idea of A) How the game is played B)Priority of keys and what should be programmed on your HOTAS C) You have to run a background program and let it overwrite what SC is doing and you must delete your action maps from the game.

Sorry that was long winded and terribly formatted but I'm just so burnt out from dealing with this HOTAS, from the constant reading of forum posts of people who are in the same situation, to people having to use silly third party applications. We either need a default profile or a fixed tutorial at least for new players.

TL:DR: we have ew buttons we need modifier binds (elite dangerous). And fix the tutorial so noobs like myself can learn how to play the game so I know what to put on my HOTAS binds.

But I still love you guys =D

/r/starcitizen Thread