Has anyone been devasted or moved from the death of an MMO?

I don't feel anything or have anything too profound to share most likely.

I can attempt I guess.

I feel a sense of deep disappointment. Having grown up starry eyed and the possibility of vast, immersive virtual worlds, where I can be someone I've always wanted to be. A fictional character in a amazing fantasy world with amazing powers, amazing friends, amazing roles, and look like who I want to be, and act like who I want to act like, unhindered by reality. No need for thousands of dollars in cosmetic surgeries, no need to be a billionaire and build a village, no need to wait for futuristic technology to give me magic like powers.

Just amazing alternate virtual worlds awaiting for me to be immersed in and contribute to, and hopefully change for the better.

I used to read scifi novels and virtual reality and MMORPGs were often a popular theme in them. Even in the more dystopian ones like Snow Crash and Ready Player One, I couldn't help but think, ".. wow, that would be awesome!".

But the stories of MMOs and the reality were quite different. And what I wanted and fantasized and daydreamed about through reading fictional stories reading about the genre were an ideal that they were nothing like.

It had felt like scifi writers had never played an actual MMO, and were actually just imagining and fantasizing about something much superior to what actually existed.

It was a really depressing realization that MMOs couldn't live up to my hopes and expectations of them, based on daydreaming and reading books.

In the end I kept playing them, but didn't have as much fun as I would have hoped.

I've ended up actually playing online Minecraft servers and enjoying them in an MMO sense as much or more than most MMOs. And that several non-MMO games offer what I want out of an MMO better than most MMOs do.

I have hope that, while MMOs may be pidgeonholed into a not very immersive-not-very-RPG-not-very-me genre and failing to meet my hopes and expectations, several other online games like Minecraft and such, are. And that several, non-competitive online games are emerging and continuing to emerge, and give me lots of the things that I want and hope for.

I've gone from disappointment and depression in the genre to hope for not just the genre and things I like re-emerging from the Ultima days, and holding hope for not just MMOs, but much of the future of all non-competitive online gaming.

A game doesn't have to be an "MMORPG"TM to be a game that feels like an amazing online RPG.

/r/MMORPG Thread