Anyone else playing Assassin's Creed Origins?

As for the game, my thoughts around 15 hours or so of gameplay;

-Very Witcher 3 inspired -Loot system is a destiny clone of always getting new stuff every 5 mins to swap out so combat is always usually freash. -Movement is great, very very easy and havent had any of those "wtf did he jump that way" moments. -Visuals are AMAZING, and the photo mode mixed with the open world has me snapping some screenshots on par with Uncharted/Horizon ones -you can get waypoints and your mount can auto travel there, SO HANDY for replying to texts from the wife -Sidequests are not just genral fetch/kill someone quests, whilst there are some of those, i am BLOWN away with the variety, some lead you on little sub-storys like witcher and are almost mini storys in themselves and thats awesome. -The world is HUGE. like 2-3 times bigger then GTA huge. And the variety is awesome too. I am actually blown away at the quality of the visuals -The bird for spotting works just like the Drone in Watch Dogs 2 and is super great for marking stuff/planning out your stealth route.

This game is a mix of Skyrim/Witcher 3 with some Watch Dogs 2 and Far Cry. It doesn't feel like Assassins Creed to me in an amazing good way. Ive convinced 3-4 of my pals who where looking for a good open world game to sink there teeth into and get lost in and Assassins Creed is perfect. There is bugs, glitches, combat can be janky and tbh at times the scope is overwelming. But from someone who hasn't been able to finish an Assassins Creed since II, i am blown away at how much they have done here. imo it has no place to be as good as it is but i love that it is. Its an awesome game.

/r/kindafunny Thread