Anyone else really dislike the idea that Asperger's isn't actually a disability?

Now I do get slightly annoyed by those who hide behind the title and use it as an excuse to not even try to work. Because that isn't the beautiful aspy mind doing it's thing, where is the cold hard logic in that? Out the window that's where.

Not all Aspies are good at logic. I know I'm not. And I'm not good at much of anything work-related, either. I have no self-confidence, no ability to socialize with others, no talents that I could build a job around, and a limited ability to get myself places. (I can't drive, so I have to depend on public transportation in order to commute to and from where I live, and the public transportation system here pretty much sucks.) And trust me, I've tried to get a job. I graduated college 5 years ago, and I spent the past 5 years applying for job after job and getting rejected more times than not. And all of those rejections really weighed on me, and it was incredibly frustrating for me that I never knew why I was rejected. It's also frustrating to me that I'm so damned bad at job interviews and I get visibly anxious during them. I hate the whole process of trying to get a job, and I wish you could be understanding of those of us who have given up on ever being employed.

But I know that you probably won't show me any empathy or understanding at all, and instead will just berate me for not being able to do what you've done, so I'm going to ask you kindly to just not reply to this unless you're capable of showing me compassion and empathy. Just skip over this and pretend you never read it. I just can't deal with any more "blunt honesty." I had more than enough of it yesterday, and I'm feeling horrible about myself as a result.

And if you do reply to this with "blunt honesty," I'm going to report that post for harassment, since that's what it would be.

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