Has anyone ever had an incident in which they believe they had a "close call " with being a murder victim?

This happened 2 days ago and I've been a little spooked ever since. My Dad had surgery Tuesday, so I went home to give my Mom a hand. We were walking the dogs around 9:30, I had one and my Mom the other. We were on their street in their very safe suburban neighborhood, and at one point I got about 100 feet ahead of her. Suddenly a car came down the street toward us, and slowed abruptly as it approached where I was standing, waiting for my dog to do his business.

First I wrote it off as the person slowing down to pull into their driveway (not uncommon for their neighborhood or that time of evening). Then, I heard my Mom's footsteps behind me, and it's almost as though the person (people?) in the car realized I wasn't alone, and hightailed it down the street. My Mom, a tough-ass New Jersey native who doesn't spook easily, said out loud, "That was creepy. I think they thought you were alone."

The story doesn't end there, though. We continued somewhat quickly on our way back to their house (in the direction from which the car had approached), and upon reaching the porch, saw the same car peel out of a side street and toward the main road--in the opposite direction from which it originally approached...meaning this guy passed us after realizing I wasn't alone, made a right on a street that loops back through to my parents' street, then made a left onto their street to leave the exact way he came in. It was like he was driving around at random, looking for God-knows-what.

I get chills just thinking about what might have happened if my Mom wasn't there.

/r/UnresolvedMysteries Thread