Has anyone ever said something to you that really tore you up inside and reinforced your forever alone status?

Ohh, I got one!

A couple of months ago I was at the beach with a handful of friends. My female friend invited a friend of hers over, and we kinda hit it off a bit. We talked about our mutual love of numerous alt/indie bands, asked if the other was going to some upcoming concerts in the area, that kinda of thing. Now, this may not seem like much, but it's literally the closest I had been to a cute girl in years, so it felt like a bigger deal to me.

Being slightly drunk, I go to the bathroom, and when I return, I hear them talking about some random dude. To be honest, I don't really know who/what they were talking about, I only caught the end of the conversation, but it was enough. I heard her say to my friend something along the lines of "he's so inexperienced, he's only had one gf and I heard they only went out for a few months. Like, does he even know what being a boyfriend is"? Now, I know that may not seem like much, but goddammit did it hit me right in the insecurity. I personally have only had one girlfriend before too, and it only lasted like two months. To hear her talk down on guys who are "inexperienced" made me instantly both furious and disappointed, to the point where I couldn't be around her anymore. I asked my buddy if he wanted to head to the car and smoke weed with me until I was numb, and being the bro that he is, he obliged. We spent the next few hours smoking while I vented about the unfairness of the world, until the girls eventually came back around sundown. Most awkward car ride home ever, mainly due to me sullenly skulking and looking out the window in the backseat.

I'm really not sure where I'm going with this, but if I had to boil the story down into one lesson to take away, it's this: make sure you have lots of weed to smoke yourself numb when things disappoint you.

/r/ForeverAlone Thread