Anyone had one clear defining moment?

One time I broke my ankle while hiking.

I was in the foothills of Colorado, and was at the "top of the mountain" but it wasn't that far away from civilization, but I'm still like 4 miles deep into the forest.

Anyways my ankle is broken and after I realize that I can't get down the mountain I start crying a bit. Then I call 911 to get emergency rescued. It felt like the End of Days for some reason.

Here's where I got my realization:

911 operators have to keep you on the line until someone arrives. This policy is in place for domestic violence etc type situations but wasn't exactly relevant in mine and, also, I'm deep in the woods and it takes a while for the firemen to get me.

So I end up talking to the operator and she asks me about my hike and I ask her how she likes Colorado, because she just moved there from Michigan. Lauren was a wonderful lady.

And in that moment I had a clear understanding that everything will probably always be fine. A good attitude is all it takes to get through life happily.

Also a hot fireman had to piggyback me down the mountain so that was cool.

/r/askgaybros Thread