'Exercise-in-a-pill' boosts athletic endurance by 70 percent

I know some will say this would just enable laziness if it worked and was available to humans. I acknowledge some truth to that. I want it anyway. Health benefits without work are great. Really, I think benefits without costs are generally good. As long as you aren't hurting anyone else to get them.

I'm not saying it's equally as good as exercise (or would be if it existed), but it's still a huge benefit to those who can't exercise or just won't exercise (and a cost-savings measure for their healthcare; which the real exercisers would often supplement through government healthcare or group insurance rates).

And if it, by some miracle, was just as good as exercise - even more fantastic. I admit it; I don't see a value in hard work for its own sake. I mean, if you get an identical result without the work. If you enjoy exercising then great - keep exercising. Should be able to exercise longer and "better" if you take the pill, too.

I already use technology to make preparing meals and doing research easier - why not to make getting healthier easier?

/r/Futurology Thread Link - sciencedaily.com