Anyone NOT attracted to deliberate effort towards physique?

Oh, okay. You like guys who have what many consider the ideal physique—lean and muscular—but you also want to have that delightful smugness that comes from publicly insisting (as you are here) that you don't care about physical appearance. So you tell yourself (and everyone else) you're only fucking guys who don't happen to care that they're gorgeous. Spoiler alert: they all definitely care about it.

You're such a great person that you try to completely ignore the entire physical aspect of their being because it's vain and "trivial." Based on the keen intellect you're trying to convince us you have I'm going to assume you also know how critical one's fitness is to their health and overall wellbeing. So why would you boast about not caring how healthy your loved ones are? You're attracted to them as long as they're "naturally" gorgeous—you don't care if they have a heart attack tomorrow because of it.

This is such a bizarre thing to post (read: brag about) and you have epic levels of self-delusion about your values. Try exercising some of that humane detachment and reflect on where your priorities are.

/r/gaybros Thread