Dilbert Red Pills a few people today.

I don't know what co2 does to the Earth. If I'm not mistaken, the earth was once covered in co to the point that lighting a match would set the air around you on fire. The question is does it do anything? Are Humans responsible for the changing weather? I don't know but I'll need evidence that backs up the claim that humans are causing the change in climate. As someone who is making the claim that humans are affecting the climate, why is it that I should be the one to back up my claims? you're the one who is claiming it's real, prove its existence.

The consensus that 97% of scientists agree on climate change is false. Not that it matters because science is not determined by consensus but by facts. There was once a consensus that the earth was flat. To say 97% of scientists agree on climate change is ridiculous because that is based on surveys that were conducted in which most of the scientists are not actually atmospheric scientists. If you can't make the case on why climate change is real, then simply referring to "cuz scientist said so" is utter nonsense.

You want sources though? Try these -



Of course, with all that said, Scientists now days are mostly idiots. Remember, these are the same people who told us back in the 70's that the world was getting colder. When it got hot, they said it was actually global warming and not global cooling. Now, they're claiming it's both. So forgive me if I'm at all skeptic. Science is after all about being skeptic. Always questioning everything.

/r/conspiracy Thread Parent Link - dilbert.com