Apex tenants, let us stop paying rent!

Stop saying "working class". Nobody is going to take you serious with that Marxist bologna. Instead ask, "how can I make more money" and maybe someone will show you where your bootstraps are, or maybe if you are persistent and lucky, someone will show you how to use leverage on those bootstraps. Here's the first secret to not being "proletariat": there are 4 ways to get rich, from most common to least common. 1. Take on risky debt and work long hours and have good luck on your side 2. Inherit money or be given a high paying job by a relative 3.make money through shady practices or by degrading/disgracing yourself 4. Steal it 5. Win the lottery or other contest.

Since 2 and 4 and 5 aren't in your favor, I'd suggest path 1, or if you are really are desperate you could move to California/Florida and take option 3.

Otherwise accept your fate, and don't spew your commie rhetoric on here. We don't give a fuck.

/r/Bellingham Thread Parent