Ardern promises driving lessons, budgeting, civics education for high school students in new School Leavers' Toolkit

How about we structure society so that everything isn't dependent on having the money? How about that? What happens if you don't have the money?

What happens is that it costs taxpayers in lost productivity when those kids try and get into the entry-level job market only for every potential employer to spit in their face. These less well-off kids, who came out of school having learned no useful skills and with no idea what they want to do with their life then end up on the Jobseekers benefit as they go through the soul-crushing process of trying to hunt down a scrap of entry-level work, using some of that money to help with the costs associated with working towards their restricted licence, then when those six months pass, they're finally allowed to take their test for the full licence.

Six months that could have potentially been spent productively in the job market generating tax revenue that helps all of us, all because it wasn't impressed on them from a young enough age by school or by the adult figures around them just how essential a licence is to their survival. My family struggles to pay for my driving lessons, and we're not poor. I can only imagine what it's like for the poorest among us. Let's make schools actually teach something fucking useful for once so that no one falls through the cracks.

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