Are MGTOW just red pill Omegas?

When I first started reading Red Pill, I thought that you could only go spinning plates. That was the only way to go because culture/society had screwed the mating game. As I furthered my reading and research, the men who prefer LTR game appeared and so did the MGTOWs. As with any cross section of a group, they are mixed.

I won't deny there are probably some foreveralone omegas in there. Logically, it's the only choice they can make if their personality is no longer capable of being moulded properly. (Perhaps too old to be truly unplugged.) But, despite these omegas, you'll also find the Lui Marcos of the MGTOW world, who are quite obviously alpha. But they still don't like the modern game.

The greatest strength and greatest weakness of MGTOW is the freedom it offers. It's hugely seductive because it is, no doubt, satisfying to be liberated from the game. But it also encourages laziness because you don't need to care about your SMV anymore. So for every Lui Marco, there'll be a MGTOW who has been seduced to no longer care about self-improvement because their original reason is no longer there. This is a fundamental problem in attitude. (The pussy is still essentially on a pedestal.)

That is where I disagree with your suggestion. MGTOW and omegas are two separate issues. The MGTOW is decided by whether they participate in the mating game. Omega is decided by whether they're putting effort into their SMV. The two are mutually exclusive. Correlation does not equal causation. While it is logical that an omega would go MGTOW, the reverse does not fit.

Keep an open mind and try to extract as much knowledge as you can from each of these sets. This is so you can find your own way, whether that's plates, LTRs or MGTOW. The moment you dismiss an option for superficial reasons like "oh they're all omegas" is the moment you've disconnected from rational thought and analysis, and just jumped on the emotionally driven bandwagon. Look beneath at the underlying principles and from that you'll have a better idea where you want to go with your personal journey.

(For info, I'm not a MGTOW. I am/was/will-be a plate spinner, but I'm still open to exploring LTR game and won't close my eyes to MGTOW. It all depends on how my circumstances change over time and how I choose to adapt.)

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