Why are @MichaelCondrey's lies put up with?

  • Telling us there are no plans to monetize Supply Drops or add the ability to purchase them. Now the game revolves around it.

As I remember it, the phrasing said no current plans to monetise it, not it wouldn't happen and that's the end of it. And revolves around it? Seriously? I get that people don't like advanced supply drops, but the game in no way makes you buy them, nor does it revolve around them. AND, you can still earn them.

  • Preaching about Dedicated Servers and then shafting half the country on their online experience

Same as ever, dedicated and P2P, there are still dedis out there for the game.

  • Telling us they have a direct involvement with the porting process with High Moon Studios and how they sign off on everything. Now the game is completely unplayable on last gen.

So they have to drop support and work on the current gen to help the studio they hired to port the game to last gen? No, sorry, not how that works.

  • Talking for weeks and weeks and WEEKS about adding new guns to the game, promising "similar, not same" stats, bragging how some will be better than the already existing variants. Now we have reskinned versions of elites, some of which like the AK12 and the HBRa3 are absolutely worthless and the EXACT SAME STATS.

It wasn't weeks and weeks and weeks, it was one tweet saying they were similar not the same. Exaggeration doesn't help. Is it right, no, should he have done it, no, but come on, at least be honest about the time scale.

  • Constantly saying before release how "involved" with the community he is and how SHG listens to "fan feedback". Now he does nothing but respond to troll kids who have nothing to say but "lol ur so gai Condri fuk u" whilst ignoring dedicated fans who are trying to talk to him about real issues.

I must be following the other Michael condrey, because he does have community involvement.

  • Ignoring problems such as people who have been glitching in the wall on Retreat since before Christmas and STILL hasn't been patched, but dropping a whole new set of gear in ASD's every two weeks for people to purchase.

Oh, one map keeps getting missed, they clearly aren't doing anything. What about all the other maps and breaches that they've fixed? Or don't they count? It takes time, and yes, they're taking the piss with this one, but don't act like they don't care and they aren't working on them. And every 2 weeks is bogus, it's not even close to every 2 weeks. And, they're reskins for the most part, so it's a lot less effort, and it gets even more content out there for the fans. AND, there's different teams working on bug fixing and new content, so there's that too.

only to be ignored by the one man who said he'd be someone the community could count on. But not as badly as I would just like him to be honest and not lead us on.

Ok, those made me laugh. Everyone in the public eye says that. Leaders of companies and political parties always say that. We all know it's bollocks

/r/CodAW Thread