[S5] To Anyone Who Keeps Complaining About Dorne.

I'm sorry, but that's a whole lot of nonsense.

Here's some backstory for you: They had ONE WEEK to film an entire season in Dorne. Spain gave them 1 week to enact absolutely everything, that is insane.

Then film elsewhere! That's why every half-decent show has staff to scout out locations and work out arrangements. If you know filming in a given location isn't suitable and you still go ahead and film there, you are 100% responsible for the crappy product you'll put forward.

Guess what, all of those guys had A LOT of time to film their movies. They have as much time as they need, as their studio respects their process

Yes, quality scenes take a lot of time and preparation. So, again, why go forth and film in a location in which you know you will not have the time you need?

You know what would have made it better? If Spain wasn't so concerned about losing a tourist location to film a fantastic show that would've gotten them additional revenue. Wouldn't you want to check out the place they shot that scene if it was done well?

Ah, yes, nobody knew the Alcazar of Seville before. It's not like it was a major tourist attraction in the region or anything.

I agree, Dorne kind of blows right now, but it isn't D&D's fault (entirely). They are the executive directors, and they made the ultimate decision to film there despite the limitations in the location.

I'll admit, I'm a fanboy of the series, but I'm just...tired of people ripping Dorne apart. Aren't you tired?

People wouldn't rip it if it wasn't plagued by low quality scenes. People were very much looking forward to this story arc, and it's been flubbed horribly.

/r/gameofthrones Thread