Are people today too sensitive and why?

Probably not. Humans tend to get more sympathetic as time passes. There are some ridiculous things but society manages.

Once upon a time, not beating your kids was considered a pussy move. Sure, kids talk back more and do dumb shit, but society manages. I used to get the shit brutally beaten out of me as a kid. It sucks to be hopeless and praying to God to die at 7. If we can save kids that experience, I'm all for it.

Tons of shit is like this: we didn't talk about homosexuality, we didn't talk about feeling traumatized after bayoneting another 19 year old soldier in the face, we didn't talk about the grief of losing kids.

We have all this shit about not bullying others. It's not managed very well and it's a bit tiresome but is it really bad to learn to not be cruel in social situations?

Sure, there's what we consider to be dumb shit now but it'll be fine. Humans will be fine. Or they won't. Who gives a shit.

Blow it all up.

I'm tired.

/r/AskReddit Thread