Why are you pulling me over?

Probably going to get down voted hard for this, but I think the driver did not get a clear explanation and there could be a scenario where he is in the right.

I looked up my local laws and I think the officer could have meant a clause such as, "Use Right Lane. Upon all roadways the driver of a vehicle shall drive in the lane nearest the right side of the roadway when said lane is available for travel, except when overtaking another vehicle or when preparing for a left turn". However she only used the words impeding and did not make it clear that the right lane was empty and he should be in it, which would be a violation.

A likely scenario, which I've been in a lot, is that the driver was going 75 in the left lane..... But was still actively passing vehicles that were in the right lane of traffic. This could happen for miles given the highway. This technically would "impede" anyone in the left lane that wants to go over 75 mph.

Based on the officer and the driver's back and forth, we can't determine if this scenario is accurate. If my scenario is what happened, I'm with the driver because he was respectful of the officer, trying to make sure he wasn't pulled over for a BS reason. If the right lane was clear, yeah the driver did make a traffic infraction.

I give the officer props for being patient and not escalating (not a common sight with police officers). However she did not accurately explain a valid reason to be pulled over and instead gave an ambiguous explanation based on her personal interpretation of the law.

I'm assuming after the video ended he gave his information and got his ticket. Then he can fight the ticket if the officer interpreted the law wrong in court. However if he kept arguing for another 15 minutes (without adding information like he was passing vehicles in the right lane), then yeah the dude is a fucking idiot.

/r/facepalm Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it