[Spoilers All] Surprising Topic The Show Hasn’t Covered

I hated typing this, makes me sick, but this is my interpretation from the show and researching the bible. I touch on just the IVF part.

Hear me out.

IVF and artifical insemination would be seen, by a fundamentalist cult(think Duggar Quiverfall and evangelicals of our time), such as Gilead, as entirely unbiblical and sinful, this is not my personal opinion fyi. IVF using science and controlling the amount of children a woman has, which is part of god's plan for them, and children are blessings from god. To refuse his will is considered sinful by them. Birth control is also seen as ungodly to them even condoms, as it's actively refuting 'god's plan' for you and taking control of your own body and even within 'biblical' married woman and man sex, into your hands instead of submitting to god's plan for you.

The Handmaids are seen as 'biblically' okay in Gilead, because of the story of Rachel and Leah and their marriage to Jacob in Genesis. My small rundown: He wasn't able to father children (yet) with the woman he originally wanted, Rachel, who was barren until much later on, over her sister Leah (who Jacob did not want to marry but ended up marrying due to the women's father), so Rachel opted for her Handmaiden Bilhlah to sleep with Jacob and produce her children, to keep up with her sister Leah, who was producing kids. In retaliation, Leah gave Jacob her handmaid Zilpah to produce more kids for her to counteract Rachel's actions. It's also biblical that Sarai (became Sarah), Abraham's (Jacob's grandfather) wife could not bare children and she gave him Hagar her handmaid, whom bore Ishmael. Ishmael is credited as a prophet of Islam after they were cast out of Abraham's tribe when Sarai finally bore Isaac, and after birthing Isaac, she considered Hagar and Ishmael a threat to her son's inheritance. I imagine if Nicole had stayed with the Waterford's, and Serena had become pregnant like she is now, but still in Gilead, Nicole would have had a similar fate to Ishmael, but probably sent to be a handmaid. (I'd like to point out that Rachel and Leah are greedy for children and greed is a sin, but Gilead cherry picks the bible to suit their lust (also a sin) for power).

Handmaid's could be seen as expensive, but IVF and artificial insemination is ridiculously expensive now in 2021. I don't pretend to imagine the cost if Gilead (just obtaining oranges for Commander Waterford was already such a unique and good thing to do in this universe) would accept using it, but nothing is as strong as power and control over another and in a biblical context, controlling these women by forcing them to be handmaid's as Zilpah, Bihlah, and Hagar were is god's supposed will. It's entirely not. Keep in mind that woman do not have rights in the bible and enslaved woman have even less rights than they do. Serena fought for her rights to be taken away. She uses her what little power she has over June, as woman of the house. I think Handmaids and their status, is also a way to keep the commander's wive's ironically satisfied. They have no say, aren't allowed to even read, but can harm and control handmaids outside of the ceremony. Something (someone to us but i digress) something for them to play with and harm to keep them somewhat satisfied and in control, so the men can keep them in check. Not entirely like Leah and Rachel in Genesis.

I really credit Margaret Atwood and her damn good research and her intricate web of mixing biblical and twisting it like real cultists do. She nailed it by calling the handmaid center 'the Rachel and Leah center'. It's horrific, but she really nailed that cultist way of thinking and twisting the bible to a Christian cultist's lust for power.

Obviously this is entirely hypocritical, as controlling another person's body against their will is also defying god's will, but some people and a shocking amount of people do believe this and that's why SPOILER DON'T READ, the Waterford's do have fans in Canada. I'm on mobile if anyone can help me learn how to mask it, I'd be grateful. Religious nutjobs exist on our 2021 earth. Even in a liberal safe community such as Canada in the Handmaid's tale universe.

Man, this was long. Sorry. But I really give Atwood credit on her biblical research.

/r/TheHandmaidsTale Thread