The Handmaid's Tale S05E02 "Ballet" - Live Episode Discussion

THAT ENDING THOUGH! The music, the cinematography, the emotions. What a great episode.

- Hate everyone expecting June to move on as nothing happened. Did they forget they've had more time to process than she has? Can they not see that she is traumatised? Yet, no one is getting her some therapy or any professional help? They just tell her to 'move on'. As if you can just let go like that? Especially with her daughter in Gilead still. She has the pull towards Gilead because of that. Seriously, let June be angry FFS. who can just go to the ballet like nothing happened and like she isn't a raging force of chaos inside. When will Luke learn that June cannot just act like Gilead doesn't exist. She cannot become the June he wants her to be. He wants her to go back to her feminine role of mother and wife but she is no longer that woman.

- Hate everyone expecting June to move on as nothing happened. Did they forget they've had more time to process than she has? Can they not see that she is traumatised? Yet, no one is getting her some therapy or any professional help. They just tell her to 'move on. As if you can just let go like that? Especially with her daughter in Gilead still. She has the pull towards Gilead because of that. Seriously, let June be angry ffs. ho can just go to the ballet like nothing happened and like she isn't a raging force of chaos inside. When will Luke learn that June cannot just act like Gilead doesn't exist? She cannot become the June he wants her to be. He wants her to go back to her feminine role of mother and wife but she is no longer that woman.

- I have to say, Elisabeth Moss did a fantastic job directing the first 2 episodes of the series. It's a shame she isn't directing anymore of the episodes but hopefully, she had more of a hand in directing them than before.

/r/TheHandmaidsTale Thread