Why are there so many excuses?

Actually yes, I do think the vast majority of people in every elo belong in their elo. Every competitive eSport ladder has operated in the same manner, and the majority of people who seem to think otherwise are the people who are low ranked.

  • I didn't say it was impossible to learn basics without climbing, I said beyond the average player's skill (Silver) it becomes increasingly obvious between who plays ranked and who doesn't. You can lose weight just by cutting carbs, but if you really want to be in shape you need to hit the gym.

  • It is strange to me that the players who have the strongest beliefs on how things work have the least complete picture of it. I've coached people in every division from Bronze through Diamond, I started in Bronze IV and am sitting in low Diamond, and I've gone through 100's of Summoner School posts answering questions - the ONLY people who have ever brought up duo's, overpowered champions, or 'not belonging in their elo' to me have been lower ranked players.

  • I'm glad that you're improving, and if you want to take it slow, then by all means that's totally ok - climbing just speeds up the process.

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