Are Thinking types really driven by logic?

I am starting to think of the T/F dichotomy more in two different dimensions:

  • EQ and emotional maturity--People who are comfortable with their own emotions and the emotions of others. This immaturity can sometimes look like Thinkers, or it can be a Feeler who is overly emotional and reactive. I know plenty of Thinkers that are great adults with high EQ. Lots of ENTJs, for example, really stand out to me as knowing how to effectively engage with people but are really, at the end of the day, more interested in things.

  • Someone who is more interested in things and logic than people and the intersubjective qualities of humanity. I know plenty of people like this, and as a result they just don't have a lot of interest in people, humans and emotions. So, they haven't really developed in that department because it doesn't really interest them. INTPs kinda come to mind here. The ones I know just have no interest in people or value-based reasoning, they just tinker with different technology and systems. Some acquire a partner, a family, etc, but whether or not they're engaged participants in those relationships is another thing.

So, who knows.

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