“We are tired of playing games,” the ISP said, “$45 a month. Forever. No more games.” “No more games,” I mouthed, stunned.

Dude, fucking Bell. At the beginning of July we canceled our internet and cable after a nice little round of “games” with them. A week later we get a letter stating that if we don’t return our equipment before a certain date (a little less than 2 weeks away), they will bill us for the gear. They generously include a packing slip sticker for the box (that we have to buy ourselves, plus the bubble wrap). They insisted over and over again on the phone and in their letter that we were not to return the equipment to a Bell Store. Ok, no problem, we get the stuff packed a shipped the exact same day we got the letter.

In September, a full 2 months after their supposed return date, we get a bill for over $700. We no longer had a receipt or tracking number for the parcel, as it’s been over 2 months! We did however have a cell phone picture of the box and packing slip, with the date. My husband calls them, ready to go toe to toe. Lady on the phone says “yeah it’s a charge because you never returned you equipment”, husband responds with some number or other (either from the packing slip, or our equipment number idk), she types it in... “oh yeah looks like we have it here!” And that was that. When he told me it was a second of relief, followed by intense rage. Charge first, ask questions later, huh? I wonder how many suckers they’ve gotten this way, because if we didn’t have that particular number handy we would have been shit out of luck and minus $700 (also, you really want me to believe that 3 year old equipment is still worth that much?)

I seriously feel like we’re in an endless loop, every 3 years or so we either hate Rogers or Bell the most.

/r/TalesFromTheCustomer Thread Parent