[Arnovitz] Why Does Trump Trigger Pop? Former Spurs Assistant Chad Forcier: It's Trump's disregard for the highest office in the land. His arrogance, lack of humanity, disrespect for others -- all the human traits that Pop believes are non-negotiable for all of us, and especially the president."

You said the word in your question bub! Respect!

When people aren't considerate and thoughtful of others and what's going on in their lives it pisses me off. Something as simple as not saying "thank you" when I hold the door for you upsets me. It only upsets me though, I quickly get over it.

I get upset when people don't acknowledge others and all they do for them. Imagine how I feel when it's a person in a leadership position, like a boss treats his employees poorly.

Now magnify that again to the point where the person we're all supposed to look up to, the person who holds the job of taking care of us all. And this motherfucker has the nerve to disrespect the majority of the people in this country over and over again. He puts our long term health as a country and civilization into jeopardy.

One person picking on another for no good reason will make me snap. The most powerful person in the world using his job to pick on and belittle the majority of the world... It's beyond pissing me off, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it.

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