[Article] It's not about happiness

Some people aren't built to be explorers or grow rapidly. Some people are built to be stable and grind away slowly without risk. And what I'm coming to realize is that that's OK.

This is something I've discovered in the last few years...In some ways I'm a workaholic of sorts because I can't be content just sitting around at a cushy full-time job that I could easily retire on. Many of my other friends are fine like this!

I always get so self-conscious that I'm more worried about "wasting my life" than they are. Sometimes in the past I hated myself for not being able to just "chill out" and be content at a boring, stable job. But I know myself -- I hate being bored. So I seek out other projects to do on the side and I seek out a career path that is more challenging. The only time I wasn't bored was when I went back to school two years ago. I've been in and out of post-secondary, trying to figure out what to do. This time I think I figured it out cause I got a 4.3 GPA in the Costuming program which was my end goal of my last 5 year plan!

I'm 26 and I've been trying to find that fulfilling, challenging career since I left high school. I am so close to breaking into it and soon I will be starting a third job in order to gain more experience for my resume. Luckily my boss at my full-time "Joe-job" which is not related to what I want to do is giving me the flexibility to do it.

Two part-time jobs in the area I want to be in and one non-relevant full-time job -- my friends would say I'm a bit of a workaholic but they also know how passionate and driven I am. At some point I'll take the leap and leave my full-time job but it's not time yet. I'm so impatient to do it though!

/r/GetMotivated Thread Parent Link - theoatmeal.com