
I definitely feel where you're coming from. There are some areas where I refuse to go even if I have someone with me, it's just a primal feeling I have when i'm there that puts me on edge, it's simply not worth it for me to get a shot. Some things you can do that have always helped me when I go to new places.

1) Scope it out in the daylight, get familiar with the terrain and path you plan to take to get to your spot.

2) Although it's been mentioned before, bring a back up light and a headlight if you can. Having both hands free should help you feel a little bit more comfortable with your ability to handle anything that comes your way.

3) This one is actually next up on my list of things to do, get your concealed carry permit and a handgun. Make sure you know how to use it if you need to.

4) If you can shoot close to your car, by all means, do it. Your escape route is right next to you that way.

5) Before you set up, take a deep breath and look around you. Make sure you're comfortable with where you're at before you set up. There's nothing worse than getting going and deciding you don't want to be there, in addition, there isn't any harm in deciding that it's not worth it for your shot, people and animals do weird things at night.

6) Stay generally aware and alert. Something that was drilled into me growing up is that when you're in an environment you can't control, your back should be straight, your head should be up, and your eyes should be scanning everything. It's served me well in a handful of situations, especially when i'm somewhere I realistically shouldn't be.

7) Don't be afraid to back down from an encounter. If someone wants to fight you, actively disengage from the situation. Don't let your machismo get in the way of survival. I can't tell you how many friends have reacted poorly to conflict and as a result have ended up much worse off than they would have been if they let themselves be submissive, that's not to say you need to let yourself get beat up, by all means, if it escalates to that point. Defend yourself to the best of your ability.

8) Most importantly, have fun and relax. If you've scanned the area, you know you're not in danger, there's nothing to worry about. If you let yourself have fun with what you're doing, you'll stop thinking about the fear in the back of your mind telling you to leave.

Don't forget to share your pics! Have fun!

/r/photography Thread